Electric Lines of Force -Physics Class 12

Electric Lines of Force—

Electric Lines of Force is defined as the curve on which tangent at any point represents the direction of Electric Field.


Properties of Electric Lines of Force—

  1. These are continuous and smooth curve.
  2. These lines start from positive charge and end on negative charge. Hence, they are terminating in nature.
  3. The density of lines of force indicates the strength of Electric Field. Dense field lines represent the strong Electric Field.
  4. The Electric Field lines are always normal to the surface of conductors from which they are emerging from or terminating to.
  5. The tangent to the Electric Field line indicates the direction of Electric Field at that point.
  6. The Electric Field lines never intersect each other. If they do there will be two direction of Electric Field which is impossible.
  7. The Electric Field lines don’t pass through a conductor. So Electric Field inside the conductor is zero.